Although it’s not quite twenty eight years since the 2002 Zombie classic burst onto the screen. It seems that Danny Boyle and writer Alex Garland are set to reunite for a trilogy capper and kick off a supposed new set of movies based in the Later Universe. 

 Post apocalyptic Zombie movies have always been popular with audiences but there has been speculation over whether or not the infected from 28 Days Later and its sequel 28 Weeks Later could even be considered Zombies? The Rage Virus certainly doesn’t create traditional Zombies as fans know them. The infected are more ferocious, fast moving and terrifying than their shuffling counterparts making them a little more edgy and unpredictable. 28 Days Later was responsible for creating a massive resurgence in interest in Zombies which led to shows like The Walking Dead and The Last Of Us. 

 Cillian Murphy, hot off his Oppenheimer success, has stated many times that he is interested in returning to the role that launched his career and Danny Boyle has spoken about a possible third installment since 2007. At the moment details are scarce but with the original team returning, we welcome a return of the rage and will be sure to update with any movement on the project.

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