Second coming movies have been a part of cinematic culture since Rosemary’s Baby first burst onto the scene in 1968 adding an extra terrifying layer to the prospect of childbirth. Not all of these movies hit the high marks of Rosemary or The Omen though. But a select few do slip through the net, offering something a little different from the standard spawn of Satan slew. 

 Deliver Us, released next weekend, follows a young Priest, Father Fox played by the movies co writer and co director Leeroy Kunz. Mysteriously summoned to a remote convent to visit with a young nun played by Maria Vera Ratti, who is claiming immaculate conception. Father Fox quickly finds that he might be part of a larger ancient prophecy which will bring about not only the second coming of Satan but the Messiah as well.

 Moving at a good pace with a constant cloud of dread lingering over it. There are some wonderful set pieces with directors Kunz and Cru Ennis clearly having a great sense of how to build tension. The locations and beautiful cinematography from Issac Bauman really make for an immersive atmosphere. The fascinating family dynamic between the nun, the priest and the Cardinal played by Star Trek DS9’s Alexander Sidding, help make this a creepy entry into the second coming cinematic library. 

Deliver Us will be in select theaters across the country from September 29th.

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