I am a Texas girl born and raised and being a horror fan, I hold the Texas Chain Saw Massacre near and dear to my heart. There is something about a maniac wearing a mask made of human skin, wielding a chainsaw while chasing and murdering people for their flesh that excites me. As a hardcore fan I have made it a point to seek out the locations and visit them. I have been to the original Sawyer House that sits in Kingsland, TX and is now a cute train themed restaurant. I have been to the bridge from Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2 and not to far from there is the Gas Station.

The fans will remember the Gas Station from the very first Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Located in Bastrop, TX off of SH 304 not too far off of the highway. You will know that you are there when you see the familiar “We Slaughter Barbecue” sign sitting on top of the building. It is a piece of horror cinema history. Out front sits a beautiful memorial bench paying tribute to all of those from the films that have passed. A replica of the van from the movie sits outside in the back behind the gift shop and in front sits a replica of the pickup truck. There is a photo op featuring a wooden frame with meat hooks hanging from it and a bloody bucket. Inside the Gas Station is a gift shop filled with something for every horror fiend such as t-shirts, action figures, trading cards and all kinds of horror memorabilia. If you are wanting the complete experience, you can spend the night in one of the cabins outback.

I highly recommend this stop for all horror fans, especially those of TCM. It is well worth the visit and the owners are constantly adding new attractions and holding events for fans. Stop in and grab a bite to eat, take some horrific photos, grab some horror memorabilia and stay the night if you are brave enough.

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