Sam Raimi demonstrates that he can still deliver a superhero film that checks all the boxes: honor the source material, transcend the genre by making the film accessible to non-fans that are likely to become future-fans and… satisfy his Raimi fans.

With all the buzz, rumors and speculation about cameos and variants, I can say the Illuminate surpassed my expectations however the film delivers and stands on its own without the fan service. Elizabeth Olsen delivers one of my favorite performances out of all the entries of the MCU film catalog and that is not hyperbole. Raimi’s understanding of how to translate comics to film mixed with his trademark style of dynamic camera work capturing horrific imagery that is simultaneously fun and terrifying was the perfect fit for this film. I love Scott Derrickson’s 2016 film and I feel that both he and Raimi successfully channel the surreal psychedelic feel of the original Steve Ditko comics. That said, I think Raimi was the right choice for *this* film.

I’m still processing it and I’m not yet sure where the overall film ranks for me as an MCU film but I will definitely be seeing it again. I loved it.  It definitely proves that the Disney+ Marvel shows are great for world-building. WandaVision (which I will also be revisiting) feels equal, to me, as Spider-Man:No Way Home, the first Doctor Strange film, Infinity War or any other Marvel theatrical release that led us to this Multiverse of Madness.

If you’re a Marvel fan, check this out. If you’re a Raimi fan, check this out. If you’re a fan of creepy and crazy adventure, check this out.

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