Troma has proudly been disrupting media for 46 years and is back with their newest offering
#Shakespearesshitstorm, a tromatic take on the Tempest. In his version of the tempest Lloyd Kaufman
takes on Big Pharma and Shakespeare in his newest and most likely his last feature film to direct. Lloyd
Kaufman plays prospero a brilliant scientist want to help cure the world of opioid addiction. I was
fortunate enough to catch a screening of it at The Historic Texas Theatre with Uncle Lloydie himself in

The movie begins by telling Prospero’s plight. He began as a scientist that created a drug to help fight
opioid addiction. Unfortunately, capitalists and a few poor choice words and misunderstandings takes
him down and casts him out to Tromaville, New Jersey. When he arrives there, he takes over a crack
house and begins plotting his revenge against all of those that had wronged him including his sister
Claudette, also played by Lloyd Kaufman. With the help of Ariel, his wheelchair bound main crack-
whore, and a crap ton of whale laxatives, they create a literal shitstorm that craps all over a
celebratory party for the pharmaceutical executives on a yacht causing them to flee to “safety” in
Tromaville. Once there the newest drug Tempest runs rampant and they fall mercy to Prospero’s
diabolical revenge plan. The only thing that he had not factored in was his daughter falling in love with
the CEO’s son. This leaves him forced to decide between his daughter’s happiness and carrying out his
revenge plans.

Holding true to its title the movie features a literal shit storm. It begins as a long running poop joke that
is comical but soon becomes also nauseating to watch. I equal parts laughed and gagged as massive
amounts of whale shit rained down on the corrupt CEOs. They definitely deserved all of the crap they
caught. I was impressed by how much thought the director put into what kind of shit and the amount of
shit they were going to use during the party scene. I am not surprised though, this is a Troma film after
all and the key elements are present. It is filled with gratuitous gore, nudity, transmutations, copious
amounts of shit and bromo seltzer. The standout performance is Amanda Flowers as Ariel, she delivers
her lines with comic genius, and it is obvious that she is having fun with the role. Kat McGarrigle has
excellent comedic timing and really gives her role as Miranda, Prospero’s blind daughter, a lot of heart.
Lloyd turns in great performances as the forlorn Prospero and his money hungry traitor of a sister
Antoinette. Shakespeare’s Shitstorm is over the top fun and requires a strong stomach for viewing. It is
by far one of the best looking Troma Films out there and the fans of Troma entertainment will love it.
Here is to Troma films and many more years of them disrupting the media!


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