As some of you already know, one of our own Mad Monsters may be in need of your help.

If you’ve been to a Charlotte area Mad Monster Party in the last few years, it’s about guaranteed that you have seen our Jody Ledford tirelessly volunteering his time in any number of positions at the show.

However we were feeling the loss of his presence at the latest event, the Mad Monster Expo a few weekends back. We were alerted to the fact that Jody was then and is STILL missing. He was last seen leaving work in Belmont NC on Thursday  September 2nd in the evening. A missing persons report was filed on his behalf on September 3rd following uncharacteristic circumstances.

Jody drives a black 4dr Chevy Cruz, NC plate TEL-2108 with a Wolfpack plate on the front.

Any help or information you can give to the search for Jody would be greatly appreciated by his friends and family, including his three sons and beautiful baby grand daughter.

If you spot Jody or his vehicle, please contact Gaston Detective J. M. Hanline @ 704-866-3320 or call your local 911 if not in the Gaston area.

Jody Ledford Missing

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