Hey Creature Fans!

Write Ricou Browning and let him know how much he means to us:

Ricou Browning
5221 SW 196 Lane
Southwest Ranches
Fl 33332

His daughter shared this opportunity with us since we may not have much time to do so. How many times did you wish you had one last chance to let someone know what they meant to you? This is that chance!

Ricou played the Gill-man in the underwater scenes of Creature from the Black Lagoon, Revenge of the Creature, and The Creature Walks Among Us. He is the only actor to have played the creature more than once.


He is the co-creator of Flipper with Jack Cowden. Ricou directed 37 episodes of the Flipper TV show back in the 1960s. He also directed Mr. No Legs.  Check out the below trailer and be sure to write Ricou as soon as possible.


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