Last week Star Trek Fans of all ages were treated to a special surprise when Paramount & Nickelodeon released a special look at the opening title sequence to the upcoming all-new animated Star Trek series Prodigy.


Prodigy is the first Trek series aimed specifically at the youngest Trek fans. And features a group of kids who stumble across an abandoned Starfleet prototype vessel, The USS Protostar, on a previously unvisited mining planet in the delta quadrant. Prodigy, which debuts later this year on Paramount Plus and Nickelodeon, also sees the return of a fan favorite captain in the form of a holographic version of star trek voyager Captain Katherine Janeway. There has been a lot of excitement being generated for Prodigy from fans of all ages(not just the youngest fans, mind you) in the past few months, especially after the reveal that Janeway was returning to the screen.

Star Trek Prodigy: Opening Credits & Theme Music Revealed

With no release date other than an undefined period of 2021, it was quite a surprise when the opening titles (sans cast credits) appeared online last week.

The title sequence looks amazing, featuring beautiful animation not only giving us a better look at the USS Protostar ship. But also gives us teases of various main characters in the show.

The sequence also gives us our first listen of the epic new star trek theme composed by Michael Giacchino (known to Trek fans for his Star Trek scores for the 3 Kelvin timeline Trek films)

Star Trek Prodigy: Opening Credits & Theme Music Revealed

Michael’s opening theme music for Prodigy is very exciting and beautiful. It is an excellent successor to the Iconic Trek themes of the past, notably the Star Trek The Motion Picture theme that was later reused and adapted for Star Trek The Next Generation. Deep Space 9 and Voyager, And it also up there with his own “Enterprising Young Men” score that serves as the theme to the Kelvin-based Trek films.

Star Trek Prodigy: Opening Credits & Theme Music Revealed

And like those iconic themes, it’s adventurous, beautiful, and sweeping.

While Paramount has been saying that Prodigy is aimed for the franchises youngest fans, it’s clear they are definitely going to appeal to long-time Trek fans of all ages, and I, for one, can’t wait to see all that is to come.

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