If you ever wanted to tour famous movie and television sets than you should definitely check out Stomp Maps. Stomp Maps offers mobile tours of famous movie and television sets, record/comic book stores, skate parks, and more through their new mobile app.

Stomp Maps provides a guided tour of different sites around the world based on the user’s subjects of interest. Users can select such categories as: Movie Sets, TV Show Sets, Haunted Places, National Parks (USA), Skate Parks, Bay Area Metal Scene, Record Stores and Comic Book Stores.

A user starts by selecting a category and then a location they would like to visit. Once a user selects a location, guided navigation within Stomp Maps on their device guides the user to the destination. Upon arrival users can earn points and challenge friends, take photos and share on social media, via text or email. This is an interactive experience as users visit different locations and earn points.

More new categories and locations are planned for future release as well as additional features within the app to enhance user experience and competition amongst friends. Users will also have the opportunity to add other locations to existing categories through the Stomp Maps website at Stompmaps.com.

The app is currently available on both iOS and Android (Google Play) app stores in over 176 countries worldwide. More information is available at stompmaps.com.

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