Do you remember when Batman first meets the Riddler?  Many of you may be asking which movie, series, or comic that I am referring to.  I am referring to Batman: The Animated Series.

In the episode “If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich?”; Batman and Robin encounter the Riddler for the first time in the series.  It is the 40th produced episode of Batman: The Animated Series but it’s the 41st episode that aired.

Batman is voiced by Kevin Conroy and Robin is voiced by Loren Lester.  Edward Nygma/The Riddler is voiced by John Glover.  I am very excited as I will get to meet John Glover in July at the upcoming Mad Monster Party in Phoenix, Arizona.

Synopsis:   After being fired from Competitron; Edward Nygma takes over the identity of The Riddler in order to get vengeance over his former boss Daniel Mockridge. It is up to Batman and Robin to decipher the riddlers that Nygma has been placing for them in order to save Mockridge from Riddler’s vengeance.

Check out the scene where Batman first meets the Riddler in Batman: The Animated Series.  What is your favorite episode of the series?


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