Before I get into it, I wanna give a statement cause the court of public opinion surrounding this movie has been a 5+ year volcano. Watchmen was the first R-rated movie I didn’t have to sneak into on account of turning 18 during its release. I was hung up about the squid not being in it initially, but I thought it was cool. All that came across my mind at the time of seeing “Directed by Zack Snyder” was that 300 was cool, and his trailers for every movie he’s done are unmatched (I still agree). When drama started surrounding the production of Justice League 7 years later, it was undeniable that a filmmaker’s vision was stripped away in favor of the film many still hold over his head as a bad film of his doing. Fans marching to Warner Bros office, an aggressive promotional campaign at SDCC 2018, and a hashtag would be enough for Warner Bros to make the movie Zack wanted to make all those years ago.

With all that, here are five reasons why I’m excited to watch this movie remotely from home with my friends five days from now…

#5: It’s an entirely different movie – There has been a slew of he said she said when it comes to whether or not people are going to see the same film again even after the release of the Snyder Cut trailer. But ya boy, ZS once again got everyone there with the announcement of it being over FOUR hours. Yeah. This girl’s gonna be stylistically broken up into chapters, and almost 3,000 of the newer shots include never-before-seen visual effects. In case there is still any doubt for whatever reason, there was a 2-hour window where the film leaked early when you tried watching Tom & Jerry. All the screenshots and pictures people shared backed up the fact that this movie isn’t the one you have seen or heard of in 2016.

#4: It’s a social media Ragnarök – Every now and then, a film, filmmaker, and or cast/crewmember will cause disruption throughout social media, and many of these tend to fade away after a week. Gossip and news developments surrounding this cut of this movie started in production’s earliest days of 2016 and, of course, are carrying on into the time of it’s release. So the Snyder cut has been a topic of discussion and a target for criticism for over FIVE YEARS. And it’s not even out yet.

People who aren’t even that into comic book movies can’t help but bring it up. Clusters of Marvel purists went from laughing at a “movie that is not real” to taking the same cheap shots that people who don’t want to see the Snyder cut are taking. A funny thing about those purists is that many of them have been awfully quiet when it comes to the point I’m about to make…

#3: Ray Fisher was Right – A little bit after the official plans for the Snyder Cut has been announced, Cyborg actor Ray Fisher began to open up about some pretty awful on-set experiences from the initial production of Justice League. One abuser who caught my eye right away was franchise establishing Avengers director Joss Whedon. Upon Ray’s coming forward, the only parties that were really boosting this story’s signal were outlets like Variety and LA Times that seemed to have zero compassion for a person who was clearly hurt by others. Even twisting his voice cause that’s what publications like to do.

Flash forward many many months later, and accounts of Joss Whedon being abusive and unpleasant to work with seemed like a common thing. Buffy the Vampire Slayer herself said she has severed working with Joss after the show ended. It’s been almost a month since that latest report, and to this day, Joss remains silent. If it’s anything being around Bryan Singer, Dallas Sonnier, and Adam Donaghey has taught me, it’s this. If you’re STILL quiet after all those people speak, then you are guilty as fuck. There’s still more work to be done, and a lot of people owe him an apology, but Ray Fisher was right.

#2: Full force Baddies – I do not care if you are a DC fan, a comic book fan, or a fan of art in general. If you do not want to see what Darkseid’s omega beam would look like depicted on film, then you just don’t like to have fun. It’s okay if you don’t like to have fun, but facts are facts. If anything else, fans of “the snap” are going to dig it, I feel.

Back when Ben Affleck was writing and set to direct a Batman film, details emerged how Deathstroke was going to be the film’s big bad and the setting was gonna be Arkham Asylum. It sounded kinda dope, honestly. As a constellation prize for what could have been, Sofia Vergara’s himbo Joe Manganiello is back as Deathstroke, and we’re gonna be treated with more of him. To get an idea for what he can do, I highly encourage checking out another comic book-esque film of his Archenemy (from the producers of Mandy).

One of the stupidest (yet most fun) memes to come from the DCCU was the joker memes. Spawning firstly from the reveal of Suicide Squad Joker, “We live in a society” more or less was a prototype of what more people would come to know as “The Virgin x Chad” meme. The most quoted line from the latest Snyder cut trailer by far was Jared Leto ACTUALLY SAYING, “We live in a society”. I refuse to believe that Zack Snyder had always had this written into the script, and he was not at all aware of the memes.

Above all else, Joker’s dressed as Jesus now. Just as God intended.

#1: IT’S AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FUCKING MOVIE! – Even if I didn’t know or think about any of the stuff I typed previously and only had the trailers of the two different trailers to go off of, the two trailers look like they are for two different films. “Lol, editing, amirite?” Watch them back to back right now and tell me I’m wrong. Nearly every actor of the Justice League has commented that there is an incredible difference between what we got compared to what we are about to receive. These quotes were in articles and were later blown up large on billboards and bus stops when I went and worked at my first year of SDCC.

No matter what side of the aisle you are on with this movie, be prepared to hear A LOT more about it. Zack Snyder’s on brand story of gods among us is coming, and it’ll be his biggest yet…

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