Today the world was shown the first footage of Season 2 of the highly popular Disney Plus Star Wars spin-off, the Mandalorian. And I have to say I am decidedly unimpressed by what we see in this first TV Spot for next month’s Season 2 premiere. It honestly feels like more of the same that we got in Season 1 with some more fan service thrown in as well, oh Look, it’s a Bantha, oh awesome, the Razor Crest is flying alongside an X-Wing, and wow, the Jedi were just mentioned, and more Storm Troopers. And look there is The Child doing something cute.

So let’s do a quick breakdown. The trailer opens up with the badly damaged Razor Crest flying over an unknown planet, with some slightly ominous Star Wars music playing,  cut to the Lucas film logo and then a shot of our hero The Mandolorian (Din Djarin) walking with The Child while a voiceover that sounds like the Armorer from Season 1 speaking and asking to see The Child, and letting Mando know “You must reunite it with its own kind” (the Jedi).

As the voiceover continues, we see fan service shots of a Tusken Raider on a Bantha in the Tatooine desert, a shot of the razor crest flying over an ice planet or moon (my guess is its the un-named ice moon we last see Ahsoka Tanu after the gunship she was on crashed at the end of the Clone Wars final episode ).

It cuts to a shot of The Child and Mando standing in the snow with a crashed gunship with familiar orange markings behind them in the background, while The armorer voiceover begins to talk about the order of sorcerers called the Jedi.

This is followed by a shot on an unknown dock, with a mysterious character that some people are claiming to be Sabine Ren (the Mandalorian hero from Star Wars  Rebels); personally, I don’t think she is, at least I hope not.

Next, we have a shot of a boat on the ocean with Mando and the Child looking out on the ocean waters,  followed by another big fan service shot of Mando piloting the Razor Crest alongside two Xwing’s. Followed by a shot of Mando on a speeder bike, and  We get our first and only looks at Cara Dunne and Grief Karga, walking through a desert village, quick shots of tie fighters with collapsible wings, and more speeder bike action with Scout Troopers this time, followed by Storm Troopers running down a hallway. Another shot of Mando carrying The Child on the ice moon. And then Mando in a ring fighting with two Gamorreans,  And the last shot is Mando about to get into another fight and The Child doing a cutesy “I know what’s about to happen” look before closing the shield on his egg.

With the voice over of Mando saying, “This is the way” one more time.

Visually everything looks very beautiful and impressive, but overall, as I said above, it honestly feels like rehashing more of the same.  With as much as they showed, I am surprised they didn’t show Ahsoka Tanu (I am also glad they didn’t, though). For me, the best Star Wars we have gotten in the last 20 years have been Clone Wars and The Rebels, so just shoehorning great characters from those two shows into this one is very risky. I wish they would have kept The Mandalorian as its own thing, and let Sabine and Ahsoka get their own series where they go off and continue the adventure they were beginning at the end of the finale of Rebels.

Having said all that, I have been a huge Star Wars fan since I was a kid. The original movie was one of the first memories of seeing a film in the theatre I have.

For me, even  Star Wars, at its worst, is still enjoyable on some level to me. So despite my criticism about the trailer, I am still looking forward to watching the new season. This trailer is just a very quick tease, so  I am honestly hoping this is just a thrown together thing to get people to keep their Disney Plus subscriptions that start expiring in November and not indicative of how the season will be. Honestly, I wish they wouldn’t have released the trailer at all, though.  What are your thoughts? I know I am most likely in the minority on my thoughts on this first trailer.

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